Quantum Technologies in Singapore – preparing for the future

Presenting views from the Quantum SG research community

Download full document in PDF: QuantumSG – preparing for the future

Singapore has the potential to be an international hub in quantum technologies thanks to its far-sighted investment in research. The research community has prepared the document “Quantum Technologies in Singapore – preparing for the future” to present its views and make specific, actionable recommendations.

We share this report as an update on the current status of quantum technologies research in Singapore and reflection on how we can strengthen our efforts. The community intends this to be a living document, where the details and recommendations may be updated periodically.

The report has emerged from an open consultative process. A seven-member editorial team canvassed the members of the QuantumSG community for viewpoints to draft the text. The document then went through two rounds of consultation where the community was invited to give comments and feedback. The editorial team would like to thank all the contributors who engaged with the process, listed below. The editors remain ultimately responsible for the text.

Singapore made an early move into quantum science in 2002 with the creation of a group in quantum information, which was scaled up to become the Centre for Quantum Technologies in 2007. More recent structured programmes are the A*STAR Quantum Technologies for Engineering Programme and the Quantum Engineering Programme launched by NRF. These funding strategies have attracted quantum talent to Singapore: we now have about 40 quantum-related research groups across our universities and research institutes.

Maintaining a globally competitive research base will both support the development of a highly skilled workforce and create innovation. There are already early signs of research contributing to the local economy, through engagement with industry partners and the creation of spin-off companies. Considering the country’s active startup culture and excellent industrial base, we consider Singapore could find an international role as a test-bed for deploying quantum applications. We identify areas where Singapore has an advantage on the international stage based on the country’s strengths as a hub for research, innovation and business.

It is a critical time to review Singapore’s strategy in quantum technologies because of the launch of other national and international initiatives in the field. In the face of increased global funding for quantum technology research, the fledgling quantum ecosystem in Singapore is facing unprecedented competition. Therefore, it is important to ensure that potential talent continues to find Singapore an attractive place to work on quantum technology projects to maintain the first mover advantage.

Editorial Team:
Dimitris ANGELAKIS, Rainer DUMKE, Christian KURTSIEFER, Charles LIM, Alexander LING, LOH Huanqian, Manas MUKHERJEE

With thanks for inputs and comments from
Divesh AGGARWAL, Ricky ANG, Murray BARRETT, Kai DIECKMANN, GAO Weibo, Johnson GOH, GONG Jiangbin, Mile GU, Rahul JAIN, Hartmut KLAUCK, Leonid KRIVITSKIY, LAN Shau-Yu, Wenhui LI, Christian MINIATURA, Donguk NAM, Travis NICHOLSON, NG Hui Khoon, Ben OLSEN, Tomasz PATEREK, Dario POLETTI, Miklos SANTHA, Valerio SCARANI, Justin SONG, TAN Chuan Seng, Mankei TSANG, Bent WEBER, David WILKOWSKI, YANG Shengyuan.

With thanks for copy editing and artwork to Jenny Hogan, Aki Honda and Evon Tan.